I have 9900k for which I decided to put a clean thermal paste on using NT h1 (previously it had corsair h150i stock paste). After changing paste i see temperature climbing up and down rapidly specially under the load. How did I made this worse? I have tried re applying the thermal paste 3-4 times with different methods(dot, X, DOT and than dots at corners with pretty much same results. What am I doing wrong? and how can I fix my thermal application as I know before I took off stock thermal paste things weren't SO bad. on Average i feel i have increase my CPU temp by 6 C in different states
I am posting pictures of my X application. Please let me know if i am using too much paste from the Screenshots or any other suggestions for 9900k
I have 9900k for which I decided to put a clean thermal paste on using NT h1 (previously it had corsair h150i stock paste). After changing paste i see temperature climbing up and down rapidly specially under the load. How did I made this worse? I have tried re applying the thermal paste 3-4 times with different methods(dot, X, DOT and than dots at corners with pretty much same results. What am I doing wrong? and how can I fix my thermal application as I know before I took off stock thermal paste things weren't SO bad. on Average i feel i have increase my CPU temp by 6 C in different states
I am posting pictures of my X application. Please let me know if i am using too much paste from the Screenshots or any other suggestions for 9900k