yet another foundational shock to the trust that was already achieved by these platforms and the cryptocurrency market as a whole
I mean ... trust? From who? The only people I see expressing
trust in crypto are the quasi-religiously convinced diehards, with everyone else expressing varying degrees of skepticism, or at the very least, pretty clear views that this is highly volatile and risky stuff. I have pretty much zero respect for investors and the financial "industry" (yes, I have trouble recognizing businesses whose only purpose is squeezing money out of others in order to enable rich people to hoard more of it as "industry"), but at least they're well aware that markets crash, and pretty often. That being said, they tend to
like markets crashing, as some of them always get rich off that, while the rest tend to get bailed out. Still, I don't think "trust" is much of a relevant word here, unless it's coupled with "blind".