Despite CryEngine's performance, this incompatible stuff would not hav happened if they made the engine have an option to use two completely separate cores (Core2's 2-in-1 modules don't count!) on a processor, so everyone wins including AMD and P4s. Another reason why this is such a problem is because Crytek had to hurry the title in before DX10 was released, if they took their time like Valve does with their titles it will be a gamer's best friend. And one final reason is that the game is Direct3D, not OpenGL, so it can only be modified through custom engine listings (like so...) making forced methods like Catayst A.I. and Custom-Filtered AA obsolete, just to let you know. Also the game isn't exactly the culprit, DX10 had to be hurried in as well since gamers and enthusiasts WERE excited on its "new" features, like corrupting the living crap out of PC performance and eating RAM for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and as a midnight snack.