So guys got there in the end, here are the pictures here, more can be seen here in larger format, this last year has been a bit strange for us all. Lets hope 2021 keeps us all safe and getting back to some normality, I wish all of you to stay safe, anyway enough of the rumbling on here are the completed pictures.
That’s it for the layout, now lets look at the items on the desk to go with the build.
I love how these turned out, this is on the left side of the build and tie in nicely I think
Then on the right side due to that side of the case being black with the red and white samurai case I done this to the external devices.
All the Painted items (headsets and mice) were done with a metallic silver, then green and blue and white mix of pearlescent on left side and the same but with red pearl on other, then the red was scuffed down to give some wear and tear, on the mice I coated them with candy yellow, then lacquered them with more than enough coats so I could when not fully cured but ok to touch could then rough up the finish, but only in areas fingers would touch.
On the headsets, I just used matt lacquer and then went to town scuffing that up as well to match the whole wear/worn effect on the pc. The full gallery of build can be viewed here all
122 pics
If you want to see the video of the build click
here or view below.