Absolute insane night tonight... Played with Ufgy and Kevin, they were both on before I got on. On my way to meet them found a downed chopper with a M107, DMR, FN FAL, and a Bizon SD. Thats the best chopper loot I've ever seen on a single chopper, was really hoping for a M249, but I guess have to keep waiting. On the way back to our tents Ufgy spots a tent up by a house, so we run up there to take a look and we find this....
There was so many tents there were tents inside tents. Those rows of tents behind that house, each row was like 6 tents just all stuck inside each other in each row. Only 1 tent had look, and just like AKM rounds.
After that haul we ran back to our tents and were depositing things, then I took our tractor out for a spin to show Kevin. I parked it then Kevin tries to drive it and botches it, lol. So I had to park it again. As soon as I park it and get out Ufgy is like "Holy shit there's a guy here" this guys like 10ft from Ufgy and Ufgy puts 2 DMR rounds right into his chest, I see blood fly out on both and Kevin puts I think 2x M1911 rounds into his chest as well. And the guy just stands there and is like "whoa hey guys".... We just stand there stunned that he's not down, he had on a Red Beret and weird camo and his name was Rocket (Qc). He said he was a developer and we asked if he was Rocket Rocket, he said "no I don't have an British Accent". Honestly guy had to be a hacker of some sort, highly doubt he was a Dev, and made us extremely nervous he spawned at our tents. But we were down the hill from our tents by the Tractor so I don't think he seen the tents. He says "so I see you guys just got a tractor" and says something like want another vehicle? He stands there for a second and all of a sudden a blue truck with a covered back appears, and we say thanks and he just disappears. We check the truck and it has a bunch of Ammo from Arma II that isn't even DayZ. We emptied all that out except some rockets it won't let us remove.
A new friend started playing and he had just logged on. So I jumped in the driver seat and Ufgy + Kevin jumped in the back and we headed for the coast. We started heading to Prigordoky where our friend was at, just cruising the roads trying to find the way around the mountains. Along the way we come around this large bend of trees and over a small hill and theres a damn player crossing the road with a zombie behind him. I swerve as hard as I can for him, I hit the zombie then hit the player. I didn't hear or see it since I was in 3rd person, I knew I hit him dead on and thats about all. But Ufgy in the back said he heard the scream and bones snapping. Then the guy died, was just spraying blood everywhere, but I didn't get the kill :/ Ufgy did.... We were laughing so hard, I mean even playing a while I haven't ever seen a vehicle, only heard and that truck is damn loud. That poor dude must have heard us coming and been scared shitless, then to see us come over that hill and just run him right over, lol, had to suck. Felt a bit bad, he was an absolute fresh character, but oh well.
So we continue on our way to pick up our friend, we pick him up and start heading back to our tents. Heading up a hill and all of a sudden Ufgy is like "shit there's that guy again" he just spawned right next to us in a field. He's like "I see you guys are enjoying the truck" then something like want something else? We are just sitting here parked staring at him, I'm wondering what the hell else he can spawn... All of a sudden a Huey appears... At that point I'm like, yep this has to be a hacker, I said I wasn't even getting in that thing. We told him we don't know how to fly, but then Kevin said he can and ran over to it. As Kevin jumps in the guy spawns a massive ammo crate next to us as well. The chopper was put on a hill though. Kevin starts firing up the blades and I'm just watching this thing slide down the hill slowly. He just starts getting air and the blades smack right into a tree and it flips up, Kevin got out at some point, and it smacks into the ground in a massive fireball that was louder than anything I've ever heard. At that point being next to Electro I'm like "we need to get the hell out of here". Ufgy agrees, I'm not even sure where that guy went, we just piled into the truck and drove it back to our tents.
That truck is fucking massive so we don't have a very good spot to hide it. So we left it empty away from our tents, we got a great spot for our tents I think, just that truck so large it's hard to find a good spot for it. So it's a good test of how nice our tent spot is. Hopefully no one finds it, if so we know our spots great as it's pretty obvious. And if they do it has nothing in it anyways except those RPG's, which we don't want, so if someone takes that truck, good riddance anyways since we can't get those RPG's out. Then I logged out, because honestly I didn't want to see that guy appear anymore.
But yeah, crazy night, none of us were recording sadly

And here's an ice dusk screenshot of the truck to end this epic story.