So the server just restarted and I moved up to Solichiny to look for vehicles. As I got there I seen zombies there, I kept scanning the town and couldn't find any people. I tried peeking around, but no luck. A few min later I see 2 people leave town, but they were far far out on the other side of town. So I started following them up the coast, they made it to the next small town to the north. But I was so far behind, when I got there I just seen some dead zombies in a barn, so I kept moving. I got near Niznoye and seen zombies there. As I came through the woods I hear shots going off like crazy. I peeked into town with the AS50 and there was a player crouching doing nothing as far as I could tell and I could still hear shots going off, so I knew there had to be two of them. I fired off 2 rounds (I always do just to be safe) and seen "mainrig" died. I couldn't spot the other target so I moved out of town knowing that nameplates are on and if they know where I'm coming from they can sweep their mouse in that direction to find me. I was going to head to the west side of town and continue my search for the other guy.
Right then I get a message from Ufgy on Steam saying that I just killed catnipkiller. I was confused since he had a different name. So I jumped in TS, sure enough he just formatted his comp and went with a new name. Granted since I knew there was two of them I wasn't even looking at nameplates, heart racing and all so I just put him down, lol. Felt bad after that, but he spawned in Solichniy, which was nice, so I stuck around till he got back, gave Brandon my extra Stanag SD clip, then logged for the day. Very interesting way to end the day playing, lol.