Hi Guys,
Found this forum from searching for the copper heatsink for a T5500 I'm upgrading and thought I would throw in my two pence.
I have 2x T3500 and 1x T5500
One of the T3500 had a W3503, 2x Intel Quadro 600, 12GB RAM and a 3.5" HDD (this was used a security viewer PC viewing 64 cameras across 4 screens and will be again, once it been upgraded!)
I've since added an X5690, ASUS GTX 1060, Samsung EVO SSD and just installed Windows 10 to see how it runs and turn HT on. I've ordered a few sticks of 4GB RAM as I've found quite a lot of people saying you can't go over 24GB on the T3500 but then some people are saying they have gone way over this, depending on the CPU they have. What are you guys running on your T3500/T5500 (I'm aware they can use different RAM as well)
I've also got another pair of X5690's to put into the T5500 (MB is compatible with 6 cores) but just waiting on a riser board to arrive. What is max RAM you can have with all 9 slots used on a T5500?
I'm having a bit of fun with the machines, so they will be slightly overkilled for what they are used for, but could become quite good gaming machines from what I've seen with the right hardware.. so you never know!
I have one pressing question as to what these circled heatsinks are for on the T3/5500 MB's, I'm trying to ensure the units will be as cool as possible without going down the water cooling method so was thinking to upgrade the heatsinks on these as well if it would make a difference? I'm already adding minimum two fans to the back of the units to pull hot air out (so the 2 front pull cold air, back two continue to the flow) and an additional fan on the CPU heatsink as others have done earlier in the thread. But again, no idea what these are actually cooling, any ideas?

Also please ignore the GTX560, These PC's haven't been touched in a very long time... but these machines have been running 24/7 with no faults so far, so quite like them! Once they are setup a bit more i'd like to look into pushing these to their limit, Overclocking the CPU's maybe, who knows.