honestly i find it depressing how strongly you guys defend it. either it needs the defense and you are proving that or it doesn't and you're wasting your time. either way with a game of this popularity there is simply no way you are not going to hear complaining, some will be baseless and some accurate, just like every other game.now that being said, I can not believe you have nothing negative to say about the game. you've played it since release but don't have a single thing to complain about? that just doesn't seem possible.
So we either get people like me, who are disappointed and can't bring themselves to enjoy the game for what it is - and then people like you who defend every thing about it whether it deserves defense or not. neither us are giving our full thoughts because we both are trying to prove a point: either it's good or bad. but just because you have chosen to like it overall, doesn't mean there aren't problems, and doesn't mean people aren't right in their assessment. the same works in reverse of course - just because i don't like it overall doesn't mean it didn't do things right.
i'm sorry cj ... i got less than 50 hours from the game, and imho less than 300 in a diablo game is unacceptable. i don't see how that is hypocritical - i think you need to address the actual arguments and not just straw-men. if you got more hours i'm happy for you - but don't act as though i should be happy with what i got. i didn't get the hours that a diablo game should give, and the hours i did get were simply not as enjoyable as they should have been.
so now the argument becomes: how realistic were my expectations? of course i believe they were realistic, you may not: however that is opinion. i can just as easily believe that you are too easily satisfied, that doesn't make either of us right or wrong.so in the end it is entirely a matter of opinion, and for you to act as though yours is the only valid opinion i think is disingenuous. no ends to what people complain about? i see no end to people defending a game that imho doesn't deserve it. now THAT is depressing.