The game is very poorly balanced for Melee. We simply take too much damage. There are also a lot of Boss abilities that unfairly punish melee compared to ranged. Things like Plague and Molten ONLY affect Melee, and as I said before, Invulnerable Minion is just absolute crap. The most annoying combo for me is a group of Jailor, Mortar, Arcane Enchanted, Waller. When you literally cannot get away and they have AoE attacks that kill you in a couple of hits, your morale starts to weaken.
That either means you have bad gear or wrong spec. Yesterday in act 2 in the oasys i soloed 2 yellows with minions and 1 blue pack, all together - inferno mode ofc. All you need so proper gear/spec. I only move out of desecrator, everything else can be ignored and for frost balls i use serenity. My friend plays barb and he has an ever easier time than me... revenge skill wins lol...
Those are my stats atm:
51k life, 12k armor (with deadly reach and keen eye and encha merc), 770 to all resistances, 24k damage (with buffs in combat), up to 32k for 3secs with blinding flash glyph. I have about 135 hours played on this char. Act 3 is possible but its too going slowly there cause mobs hit harder ofc, so I will get about 900 resistance and over 60k HP and will try again. Imagine that I am fighting in act 2 with a dps spec and i just won't die, while act 3 i get quite hammered even in full protection spec, so just more gear and it will be ok - just like it happened between hell diff-act1 inf and act1 inf - act 2 inf.
SO I just wanted to tell you that its fine now. Although as blizzard said, there are some annoying "damage spikes" on some mobs.
In fact, I think that the game is VERY POORLY balanced for ranged. They have to kite around like crazy and slow effect skills work very badly (even 60-80% slow on fast mobs is like 0% slow). I would not want to be a ranged class in inferno without a group atm...
Some tips about best farming places when you reach lvl60.
1) start at act 3 hell diff inside the keep dungeons until the big fat ugly poisonous boss - I farmed this many times easily with bad gear.
2) Proceed to inferno and farm everything up to and including Leoric for MANY times.
3) Farm all act 1 inferno many times
4) Avoid spending time in act 2 inferno 1rst part if you are melee. Rush your way to the last part of act 2 and farm MANY times the 3 places inside those portals before fighting Kulle (then kill him aswell he drops 2-4 yellows with nephalem valor buffs)
5) Get MF gear and wear it before last hitting the laste blue or the yellow boss. Although I would like someone to confirm if this works... Atm I got an 140% MF amount from crap gear sitting in my bags for this reason.
6) Buy smart and big upgrades on the AH, rather than small incremental upgrades. 1 strong item for lots of money is better than many small upgrades for just 50k each.
7) Do not attemp act 2 without a good weapon (I know this means u gotta spend 2-5millions on AH for a weapon unless u were lucky in act 1).
I hope this helps. I may post 3 viable monk builds if anyone is interested, all are based on 1hand+shield.