More 2004 bugs, waiting for the fix lol
Microsoft says that USB printer port will not be available for customers with devices running Windows 10, version 1903 or later if they disconnect the printer while shutting down the computer.
"If you connect a USB printer to Windows 10 version 1903 or later, then shut down Windows and disconnect or shut off the printer, when you start Windows again the
USB printer port will not be available in the list of printer ports"
Microsoft says that external displays might go black if Windows 10, version 2004 users try to draw in apps including but not limited to Microsoft Office Word and Whiteboard.
Microsoft acknowledged another issue affecting Windows 10, version 2004 users where
external displays might go black if they try to draw in apps such as Microsoft Office Word and Whiteboard.
Microsoft acknowledged and mitigated a new Windows 10 known issue affecting the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool used to service Windows images prior to deployment.
DISM inaccurately reports that images are corrupted even after they are successfully repaired.
Optimize Drive still reports that disks aren't optimized and optimization never run.