I appreciate that, but older versions are supported for a reason. I don't recall us being asked if we wanted an upgrade, and I distinctly remember in the "this is what the new TPU will look like" thread, several people saying that they hated it and much preferred the forum we had at the time. Granted, this site belongs to you and you can do with it what you wish, but a simple "Hey guys, I'm thinking about upgrading the forum. Here's what the new one will look like, do you want it or not?" would have been appreciated. I've been on sites before where admins have upgraded the system with minimal consultation with the members, and the sites ended up losing a significant portion of their readership because they hated the new interface. I know it sounds silly to say "I don't like how this looks anymore, it makes me not want to be here", but because XenForo is so different from vBulletin I'm going to have to completely change the way I interact with this forum. It's like going from Windows 7 to Windows 8.
I don't mean to be so harsh, because I appreciate you taking the time to run and maintain this site for all of us. I'm just really averse to change.