I'm not defending consoles, I don't even have one to that matter, but my video card alone cost as much as a 360. So, the price of consoles are no where near a computer made to play games. Also you needent worry about specs. To a lot of people, that's what they want - hassle free gaming. Online gaming, well that's user dependent. Price of games, almost the same where I live, perhaps a few bucks more expensive.
If you have to spend a 1000 bucks+ on your PC every 6 months just to keep up with the games, it's going to turn people off. And with PCs also, it doesn't just end with upgrading one thing, everything now is so dependent on the other. You get a new graphics card, ohh you need a more powerful PSU to run it. You decide you upgrade your aging CPU, hmm new mobo and RAM too.
What I'm saying is, if game producers can't figure out how to make a good looking game that doesn't choke a high end system to pieces, they're going to loose sales. Loss of sales = decline in the over all market. Some places where I live have already taken their PC games section down, because they weren't selling, whilst the consoles were. Guess we'll see what the scores for this game really are when it gets released.