Me too Mx500. Though I need something with 6 x PCI-E, and apparently they're really hard to find.
Guess who we beat tonight. Sorry top 10, Imma let you finish but us beating HWC had the best story ever.
We may have only gotten them by 4k, but this marks the first day in many months we've been ahead of them. Now this may come on the heels of them losing a chunk of PPD, but keep in mind we are gaining more as well. They likely will rebound in points in the coming days, I'm not sure why they've been down, but we will do our best to keep in stride. You guys are doing a great job at catching up to them.
But you know I didn't realize until today that we're doing just under 750k. On top of that we're team #55 and are getting ever closer to hitting the top 50. We aren't just folding to beat HWC anymore in my eyes. EoC says it will take us two months to get there, what say we crank it up some more and show both HWC and the top 50 teams what TPU is made of.
A_Cheese_Danish passed 100,000
Castiel passed 500
Dustyshiv passed 1,700,000
EnergyFX passed 500,000
hertz9753 passed 650,000
InTeL-InSiDe passed 4,000
thebluebumblebee passed 950,000
tofu passed 500
tofu_TPU passed 500
[Ion] passed 5,000
Why not another milestone filled night after a milestone full weekend? Tonight ACD (A Cheese Danish) and EnergyFX have their name in lights as they cross some very nice milestones. ACD hits his first 100k, and in a few days will break into the TPU top 100. Congrats so far man.
EnergyFX earns mention tonight with his 500k milestone. In one months time you've accumulated 500,000 points with us and gained to 43rd place. That's pretty good for a first time folder. I took alot longer to get started myself, and I've been fairly quickly progressing. Very nice, I have to say.
Winners of the MPA!
Bogmali| 29/09/09
msgclb| 29/09/09
Feel free to check my findings, I sometimes miss people
And Mike retains his position tonight. I think he said he recently turned some machines back on because it was starting to get colder. I may be wrong, but whatever the case I hope to see his name become more regular up here.
A quick edit due to me using the wrong WCG pie to figure this out. As such I missed Oily (got

ed). Fixing that on up.