Tonight bogmali returns to take the cherry this time with a 182K performance.
We have four 100K+ folders tonight along with Buck and hertz missing by a few thousand and a couple of ten thousand.
Rank Team User Name 9 pm Points Today Last Update Today Total Points Today
1 bogmali 168,471 14,334 182,805
2 msgclb 149,189 11,850 161,039
3 TeXBill 109,813 20,840 130,653
4 MStenholm 102,241 1,885 104,126
5 Buck_Nasty 79,005 12,354 91,359
6 hertz9753 74,095 9,423 83,518
7 dank1983man420 41,821 5,813 47,634
8 Niko084 34,146 6,541 40,687
9 newtekie1 29,355 5,242 34,597
10 MetalTom 29,946 3,876 33,822
11 Oily_17 27,747 3,565 31,312
12 111frodon 25,747 4,115 29,862
13 [H] 25,829 3,944 29,773
14 CamelJock 26,223 2,056 28,279
15 El_Fiendo 21,423 1,412 22,835
16 thebluebumblebee 18,101 3,655 21,756
17 Dustyshiv 16,747 3,248 19,995
18 theonedub 16,766 2,560 19,326
19 sneekypeet 11,574 1,298 12,872
20 PVTCaboose1337 10,276 1,280 11,556
Congratulations to all pie club members.
And now the certificates.
Congratulations all.