Tonight I held on to take the cherry with 232K points to overcome Buck's 213K performance.
Our other 100K+ folders included TeXBill (178K), hertz (166K) & bogmali (136K).
Rank Team User Name 9 pm Points Today Last Update Today Total Points Today
1 msgclb 219,875 13,000 232,875
2 Buck_Nasty 204,622 9,366 213,988
3 TeXBill 156,425 21,979 178,404
4 hertz9753 153,430 12,951 166,381
5 bogmali 128,076 7,952 136,028
6 111frodon 86,809 2,696 89,505
7 Oily_17 81,058 1,348 82,406
8 magmadiver 73,863 6,978 80,841
9 KieX 77,533 1,348 78,881
10 MetalTom 43,260 6,604 49,864
11 Beertintedgoggles 38,705 5,772 44,477
12 newtekie1 33,177 2,696 35,873
13 Dustyshiv 29,674 4,322 33,996
14 dank1983man420 27,755 4,929 32,684
15 thebluebumblebee 29,220 2,824 32,044
16 CamelJock 27,758 3,640 31,398
17 El_Fiendo 20,118 2,824 22,942
18 Niko084 17,048 1,280 18,328
19 sneekypeet 11,656 2,696 14,352
20 theonedub 11,860 1,348 13,208
Congratulations to all pie club members.
. Congratulations to both.
last folding with us in Nov 2008. Welcome back.
Congratulations all.