used the last update for 230K.
Also Oily had another 121K day.
Congratulations to all pie club members.
Rank Team
User Name
9 pm Points Today
Last Update Today
Total Points Today
1 bogmali 249,811 9,275 259,086
2 Buck_Nasty 161,169 69,760 230,929
3 Oily_17 117,863 3,975 121,838
4 MStenholm 86,568 0 86,568
5 TeXBill 51,423 7,849 59,272
6 MetalTom 43,725 7,950 51,675
7 msgclb 36,512 5,653 42,165
8 Dustyshiv 30,433 5,205 35,638
9 CamelJock 28,664 4,011 32,675
10 dank1983man420 27,039 1,325 28,364
11 newtekie1 24,123 2,650 26,773
12 111frodon 19,875 1,325 21,200
13 Mindweaver 18,449 2,650 21,099
14 theonedub 15,900 2,650 18,550
15 ChimPowerUp 14,054 1,765 15,819
16 Steevo1 12,074 3,690 15,764
17 Niko084 11,932 2,596 14,528
18 vanyots 10,647 2,720 13,367
19 hat 12,177 1,174 13,351
20 theoneandonlymrk 10,907 1,835 12,742
for your 2 million.
Congratulations to all of you for your latest milestone.
Congratulations all.