Bogi, you're the vile byproduct of evil and its cousin. Why wouldn't I brand you and then ask you a favor. In fact I'd be silly not to.
And it appears Lampmaster was evicted. A good 2 day incursion on his part, but msgclb and Dustyshiv both rallied to reclaim their place in the top ten.
Milestones Today
AthlonX2 passes 80,000
babbage1202 passes 500
Darkrealms passes 700,000
Lampmaster passes 90,000
MrSemi passes 500
mx500torid passes 2,000,000
paulieg passes 40,000
theonedub passes 50,000
Milestones Yesterday
Akumos passed 1,000
DanTheBanjoman passed 250,000
deathmore passed 200,000
Lampmaster passed 80,000
paulieg passed 30,000
ShiBDiB passed 40,000
thoughtdisorder passed 500,000
Lampmaster is sneaking up on his first 100k milestone. Looks like tomorrow at this pace. But today we had mx500torid hitting an awesome 2 million! You're now a F@H multimillionaire. That's alot of 'i's and 'l's. Congrats dude.
We have theonedub, another new member, cranking past his 50k milestone tonight too.
By the way dude, when I was searching your name I found you have a client crunching team 0, so I assume you've got a client with an empty team field. I'll send you a PM in case you don't see this here.
Winners of the MPA!
Bogmali| 16/08/09
msgclb| 16/08/09
Oily_17| 16/08/09
Dustyshiv| 16/08/09
Feel free to check my findings, I sometimes miss people
Dustyshiv and msgclb both make a showing tonight, along with Oily_17 to boot Buck back out of the MPAs. Good work guys, but I'm kind of rooting for Buck to come a killing. All we'd need is paulie with his GTX 260 stepping in to stir things right up.
Good work Bogi, you're going to break my plan for the MPAs with your continued membership.