well look no further then POS PC since he has like 5 gpus for sale
Sidenote, your avatar made me lol.
Tonight shows us rebounding to 930k, a number that had 240k contributed to it by Bogmali
alone. What's more, is that the first update of Monday shows a -bigadv work unit that just missed being counted on Sunday, so he's actually closer to 300k over 24hours. Due to his outstanding performance lately he's moved into the lead in terms of daily production for the team, and will likely see his average rise a little further until it levels out. Its undoubted that the -bigadv work units he's running greatly contributed to his recent uber numbers, and will likely mean the same for the team if we can get more i7's running.
Speaking of i7's, I'm still waiting for info on EVGA's 270-GT-W555 (the dual processor board) as rumors place it around $500 USD retail. I'd definitely have to water cool that sucker though, as well as find a bigger case for my rig (yet again). Until the day that I've stricken the idea from my head, I've got a nice piece of hardware to dream about. I wonder how many PCI-e extenders and GTX 260s I can cram on that thing before I start seeing bottlenecking on the PCI-e.
Bogmali is credit to team!
Winners of the MPA!
Feel free to check my findings, I sometimes miss people
2010-01-10 |tofu_TPU| 10,000
2010-01-10 |NastyHabits | 1,100,000
2010-01-10 |TheLaughingMan| 150,000
2010-01-10 |ArmoredCavalry| 1,000
Sunday was another day of a singular milestone being posted, this time with the honor going to tofu_TPU as he snatches his first milestone. Congrats to everyone posting progress, and to tofu_TPU, whose hopefully just starting his milestone collection. Keep it up guys.