You'd think Intel would have a good idea of what's coming from the competition and would have at least brought out an affordable 8 core CPU to compete. Well, we'll see, maybe Coffee Lake will have one.
And so true about that stagnation and milking the punters for next to no performance improvements each generation. Well, guess what, in my case, I haven't replaced my CPU since I got my Sandy Bridge 2700K way back in 2011. Just think how many thousands of dollars I haven't spent on Intel CPUs and chipsets because there was no performance incentive. And I'm not the only one. Now they're getting their ass kicked by a resurgent AMD which can't come soon enough. I was thinking of finally upgrading and to a 7700K, but with AMD coming out, I'll definitely wait and see.
I'm not really surprised that AMD could catch up on IPC in just one generation because all they had to do was ditch that siamesed disaster they built Bulldozer and its successors with and go back to a conventional design.
@Raevenlord Another fantastic editorial. More please!
Looking forward to this one.