Beam NG .drive gives the GPU a workout alright.
Does that mean my card will look sort of like a GT 1030?!
Most likely.
Game even with RT maxed looks like absolute anus.
However I can say performance is much better, but... not at all optimized still, it is now using the GPU (There was an update??) It still drops into the 40's but spends the majority in the high 80's -100 FPS.
Even after applying an overclock which you see in the video perf really don't change much. This is unusual behaviour as this card at 3ghz and above is much much faster than stock. I did forget to apply my custom fan curve, but temps were not an issue.
I don't know I could be wrong but I actually think the game looks worse than my prior video?
I did shader recompilation twice and I restarted the game after applying new settings.
It at least disproves the fools who think we are lying or have issues with our PC's...
The game is still far from what I would call playable, it looks terrible and the framerate jerks all over the place.
I am posting the video early even though it is not fully processed, just come back when it is legible.