unfortunately it seems bios update did not help with the issue
Your system seems to be having difficulty handling real-time audio and other tasks. You may experience drop outs, clicks or pops due to buffer underruns.
One or more DPC routines that belong to a driver running in your system appear to be executing for too long. One problem may be related to power
management, disable CPU throttling settings in Control Panel and BIOS setup. Check for BIOS updates.
LatencyMon has been analyzing your system for 0:02:18 (h:mm:ss) on all processors.
Computer name: DESKTOP-PCTPT74
OS version: Windows 10, 10.0, version 2009, build: 19045 (x64)
Hardware: System Product Name, ASUS
BIOS: 2103
CPU: GenuineIntel 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700K
Logical processors: 20
Processor groups: 1
Processor group size: 20
RAM: 65277 MB total
Reported CPU speed (WMI): 360 MHz
Reported CPU speed (registry): 3610 MHz
Note: reported execution times may be calculated based on a fixed reported CPU speed. Disable variable speed settings like Intel Speed Step and AMD Cool N
Quiet in the BIOS setup for more accurate results.
The interrupt to process latency reflects the measured interval that a usermode process needed to respond to a hardware request from the moment the
interrupt service routine started execution. This includes the scheduling and execution of a DPC routine, the signaling of an event and the waking up of a
usermode thread from an idle wait state in response to that event.
Highest measured interrupt to process latency (µs): 457,0
Average measured interrupt to process latency (µs): 4,941098
Highest measured interrupt to DPC latency (µs): 351,40
Average measured interrupt to DPC latency (µs): 1,927990
Interrupt service routines are routines installed by the OS and device drivers that execute in response to a hardware interrupt signal.
Highest ISR routine execution time (µs): 93,618837
Driver with highest ISR routine execution time: Wdf01000.sys - Suorituksenaikainen ydintilaohjainkehys, Microsoft Corporation
Highest reported total ISR routine time (%): 0,002314
Driver with highest ISR total time: Wdf01000.sys - Suorituksenaikainen ydintilaohjainkehys, Microsoft Corporation
Total time spent in ISRs (%) 0,002314
ISR count (execution time <250 µs): 142292
ISR count (execution time 250-500 µs): 0
ISR count (execution time 500-1000 µs): 0
ISR count (execution time 1000-2000 µs): 0
ISR count (execution time 2000-4000 µs): 0
ISR count (execution time >=4000 µs): 0
DPC routines are part of the interrupt servicing dispatch mechanism and disable the possibility for a process to utilize the CPU while it is interrupted
until the DPC has finished execution.
Highest DPC routine execution time (µs): 1502,788366
Driver with highest DPC routine execution time: nvlddmkm.sys - NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 526.47 , NVIDIA Corporation
Highest reported total DPC routine time (%): 0,060927
Driver with highest DPC total execution time: Wdf01000.sys - Suorituksenaikainen ydintilaohjainkehys, Microsoft Corporation
Total time spent in DPCs (%) 0,186498
DPC count (execution time <250 µs): 549794
DPC count (execution time 250-500 µs): 0
DPC count (execution time 500-10000 µs): 2203
DPC count (execution time 1000-2000 µs): 3
DPC count (execution time 2000-4000 µs): 0
DPC count (execution time >=4000 µs): 0
Hard pagefaults are events that get triggered by making use of virtual memory that is not resident in RAM but backed by a memory mapped file on disk. The
process of resolving the hard pagefault requires reading in the memory from disk while the process is interrupted and blocked from execution.
NOTE: some processes were hit by hard pagefaults. If these were programs producing audio, they are likely to interrupt the audio stream resulting in
dropouts, clicks and pops. Check the Processes tab to see which programs were hit.
Process with highest pagefault count: system
Total number of hard pagefaults 76
Hard pagefault count of hardest hit process: 26
Number of processes hit: 15
CPU 0 Interrupt cycle time (s): 7,732164
CPU 0 ISR highest execution time (µs): 93,618837
CPU 0 ISR total execution time (s): 0,063958
CPU 0 ISR count: 142292
CPU 0 DPC highest execution time (µs): 412,581717
CPU 0 DPC total execution time (s): 2,907535
CPU 0 DPC count: 417328
CPU 1 Interrupt cycle time (s): 3,402245
CPU 1 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 1 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 1 ISR count: 0
CPU 1 DPC highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 1 DPC total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 1 DPC count: 0
CPU 2 Interrupt cycle time (s): 3,115336
CPU 2 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 2 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 2 ISR count: 0
CPU 2 DPC highest execution time (µs): 80,72410
CPU 2 DPC total execution time (s): 0,002267
CPU 2 DPC count: 853
CPU 3 Interrupt cycle time (s): 3,307515
CPU 3 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 3 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 3 ISR count: 0
CPU 3 DPC highest execution time (µs): 38,531302
CPU 3 DPC total execution time (s): 0,000051
CPU 3 DPC count: 5
CPU 4 Interrupt cycle time (s): 11,646617
CPU 4 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 4 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 4 ISR count: 0
CPU 4 DPC highest execution time (µs): 1502,788366
CPU 4 DPC total execution time (s): 2,201024
CPU 4 DPC count: 121229
CPU 5 Interrupt cycle time (s): 3,399726
CPU 5 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 5 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 5 ISR count: 0
CPU 5 DPC highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 5 DPC total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 5 DPC count: 0
CPU 6 Interrupt cycle time (s): 0,788163
CPU 6 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 6 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 6 ISR count: 0
CPU 6 DPC highest execution time (µs): 12,597230
CPU 6 DPC total execution time (s): 0,000093
CPU 6 DPC count: 44
CPU 7 Interrupt cycle time (s): 0,758453
CPU 7 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 7 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 7 ISR count: 0
CPU 7 DPC highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 7 DPC total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 7 DPC count: 0
CPU 8 Interrupt cycle time (s): 3,545265
CPU 8 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 8 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 8 ISR count: 0
CPU 8 DPC highest execution time (µs): 73,039335
CPU 8 DPC total execution time (s): 0,018146
CPU 8 DPC count: 6077
CPU 9 Interrupt cycle time (s): 3,398020
CPU 9 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 9 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 9 ISR count: 0
CPU 9 DPC highest execution time (µs): 13,308033
CPU 9 DPC total execution time (s): 0,000028
CPU 9 DPC count: 9
CPU 10 Interrupt cycle time (s): 3,099542
CPU 10 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 10 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 10 ISR count: 0
CPU 10 DPC highest execution time (µs): 107,241551
CPU 10 DPC total execution time (s): 0,015989
CPU 10 DPC count: 4550
CPU 11 Interrupt cycle time (s): 3,399531
CPU 11 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 11 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 11 ISR count: 0
CPU 11 DPC highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 11 DPC total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 11 DPC count: 0
CPU 12 Interrupt cycle time (s): 0,348279
CPU 12 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 12 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 12 ISR count: 0
CPU 12 DPC highest execution time (µs): 28,572853
CPU 12 DPC total execution time (s): 0,000104
CPU 12 DPC count: 34
CPU 13 Interrupt cycle time (s): 0,328990
CPU 13 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 13 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 13 ISR count: 0
CPU 13 DPC highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 13 DPC total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 13 DPC count: 0
CPU 14 Interrupt cycle time (s): 0,292384
CPU 14 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 14 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 14 ISR count: 0
CPU 14 DPC highest execution time (µs): 6,577285
CPU 14 DPC total execution time (s): 0,000013
CPU 14 DPC count: 4
CPU 15 Interrupt cycle time (s): 0,281824
CPU 15 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 15 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 15 ISR count: 0
CPU 15 DPC highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 15 DPC total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 15 DPC count: 0
CPU 16 Interrupt cycle time (s): 3,865705
CPU 16 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 16 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 16 ISR count: 0
CPU 16 DPC highest execution time (µs): 45,889751
CPU 16 DPC total execution time (s): 0,001903
CPU 16 DPC count: 542
CPU 17 Interrupt cycle time (s): 3,687927
CPU 17 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 17 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 17 ISR count: 0
CPU 17 DPC highest execution time (µs): 71,921884
CPU 17 DPC total execution time (s): 0,002662
CPU 17 DPC count: 538
CPU 18 Interrupt cycle time (s): 3,766795
CPU 18 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 18 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 18 ISR count: 0
CPU 18 DPC highest execution time (µs): 66,978947
CPU 18 DPC total execution time (s): 0,001497
CPU 18 DPC count: 314
CPU 19 Interrupt cycle time (s): 3,779180
CPU 19 ISR highest execution time (µs): 0,0
CPU 19 ISR total execution time (s): 0,0
CPU 19 ISR count: 0
CPU 19 DPC highest execution time (µs): 111,453186
CPU 19 DPC total execution time (s): 0,002994
CPU 19 DPC count: 473