Lets not forget something important here. The 3xxx series from ATI had price reductions because it couldnt compete with nVidia and the G8/9 series. ATI took it in the shorts having to do that, and also created a certain POV towards their product. Simple truth is, the tides have changed, and now its nVidia having to drop prices to stay competitive. No one would be buying a G260 or G260 with 216 SPs lets try this again model for 450$ now would they? nVidias trying to get some market share here, and they only way they can do it is this way. Nothing wrong with that, competition coming from ATI currently is tough. If its released at the same price point, I think its a win for everyone, as anyone should appreciate more bang for the buck. If however theres price increases associated with this card, it wil not bode well for us, nor nVidia, as once again we see a rename/charge more for minimal gain in performance from nVidia, which has turned alot of people off. Im hoping nVidia gets it right this time, and reduces the current G260 prices, and slips this new one at the old price point, then, like I said, everybody wins