To the people who are basing nvidia: (what I comment here is according to rumors. I know that rumours can be fake or real. But I do not care anyway, I don't want one of those anyway

"nvidia need a overclocked card to compete against 7970"
Really? Then can you go back to last generation cards. Where gtx 570's core clock was 732 MHz and memory clock was 3.8 GHz. There AMD needed a overclocked card hd 6970 (Core clock 880MHz and memory clock 5.5 GHz) to barely beat it. Let alone gtx 580. According to your useless arguments, going on everywhere under every upcoming nvidia card rumor posts. But AMD fanboys did not talk about the higher clocks AMD cards had on that time even though they had almost 150 MHz core clock and 1.7 GHz memory higher clock than nvidia. But now screaming like nothing for rumored gtx680 having only about 80 MHz core clock and 0.5 GHz memory clock advantage over 7970. What a ridiculous minds you all have. The most ridiculous thing is; they are fighting against something that doesn't exist yet. No one knows about the actual specs, performance & power consumption yet. Then why? I think they could not bear the unofficial leaks. They even know those leaks can be fake. Yet they couldn't take it. Funny enough..
"nvidia overclocked mid-end card and priced it to high end level card"
Another funny thought. 1st of all, according to rumors, reference base clock is 1006 MHz, which means it is not overclocked card. We can consider it as an overclocked card under one circumstances, that is; if it cannot be overclocked further more and match the performance of OCed 7970. Furthermore if you think, its performance is on par with what you think mid-end performance, then you have to bash AMD for these higher prices. Not nvidia. Because their 7970's performance is also on par with gtx 680's(This is a mid-end performance card according to you), if not a lower (According to rumour again). Moreover AMD released the 7970 first and fixed the price for it. SO why would you think that nvidia have to price this card to $300? If you need this performance to be on a $300 card, simply petition AMD to lower their 7970's price to $300. I have a funny feeling that those people screaming under such posts are the people who want an AMD 7970 card for $300 - $400 price tag and cannot afford to buy one at current price. My advice for you to simply buy pitcain or last gen card from your beloved AMD. If you still thinking that nvidia have to price this card below $400(even $500) then AMD will drop prices of the tahiti cards, so you can buy one, please erase those thoughts, because that will only happen in your dream, if the rumored gtx 680's or whatever they call it's performance is correct as they said.