Well some time ago i got a NAD T753, this unit was in a AS IS and on top of that it seemed like it been left in the basement for years, so signs of rust was around the bottom screws even the transformer had a little, how ever the unit needed some deserved cleaning how ever met the fate of these units typically have, there power source fails and all the channels fails to work as a +\- power fails, this is due to excessive heat.
Soon got a NAD T770 which is a nice unit how ever does not have the classy NAD punch i like.
Well 6 months or so passed and having heard the classic NAD sound and having the classy NAD punch i noticed 2 more on ebay, yup i got them both HAHA, by this time the 1st unit had been stripped down sold some of the parts and pretty much made my money back.
Both units set me back $150 shipped.
One of them came with a HTR3 and the other a HTR2 remotes. Knowing full well with a little time a HTR3 remote would sell for at least $75, i actually got $85 so got me money back for one.
The 2nd one i got had been dropped by UPS but thankfully the guy who i got it off insured it and sent me $100 3 weeks later and told me to keep the unit. So i was at the point were they had cost me actually nothing if not including the one i got many months before which i think owes me about 25$ as i sold the jumpers of the rear for $27 lol.
( thank You UPS )
Well both in the same failed state as my 1st, no sound on all channels. One had a fail diode and 2 caps.
Once they were replaced one was in fully working order, how ever turned out failing again which was due to dry joints ( i know i should of checked 1st time around ). And back to fully working order but of course i was not happy still well not for long term as i knew it would fail again.
Well the 3rd one i had a crack at it see what was going on with this one foolish enough replacing all the caps even getting as close to the spec caps and a failing diode, still working on this one maybe more later.
But anyways back in march a forum member made a comment about the caps on the NAD expecting better, so did i but meh. Anyways this member
@Ferrum Master i posted about all the caps i had got for one of the units and has been awesome member of the community to bounce my crazy ass idea's off and some help too.
So a Massive
Thank You @Ferrum Master.
Well except adding a large heat sink on top of the ones already in the unit and try to cool it that way, i had the idea maybe heat pipes, but again had a even more crazy idea by flipping 5 of the 7 vregs which would hit temps of 70-90c which is fine for them but every thing near them like capacitors and diodes not so much.
This is the reason these units fail, even the diodes die as more hear means shorter life span and 3 were jammed up against the heat sink and cap so no breathing area for them what so ever.
Ok flip them ?, yes flip
. yeah to put the vreg on the other side of the board but then you have another issue right ?, heat goes though the case which helps some as they are like 2 millimeters thick ande would that be enough ?, well if you read the beginning of this i had one that i stripped down well there are 2 large 2.1 LB heat sinks each 3 channels. And thought hey why not so screwed one of those to it on the under side.
So got out my coffee filters and some tape, as the last thing i wanted was bits of metal in the unit.
After all that was done i put in the screws in the heat sink that i was planning to use put some thing on them so it would leave a mark on the chassis so i knew pretty much were to put the screws.
Ooh were did they go
And the whole reason i take pictures ( yes i cannot afford a microscope but feel free to buy one for me J/K).
Not perfect but good enough, for now at least, ha to double up on the padding and still not 100% but close, taking about 45c though to the heat sink as using a single layer was about 32c,
And found a use for the pads of my 2900XT which i used to keep them from bending inwards to far.
Still added a fan to the top of the unit, it's a sensor so when the temp goes over 33c the fan kicks in.
And finally