Like any of this really matters. Let me tell you something about the absence of humanity. In the grander scheme of things, there's nothing we could ever do to make any lasting effect on this planet. Humans will go extinct. In a couple million years, all traces of mankind will have vanished from existence. We won't last an entire blink of the cosmic eye. Here today, gone tomorrow. And who cares? Do you think the Earth cares if we live or die? Long after we're gone the Earth will continue to recycle all the landmasses through tectonics. The climate will continue do whatever it will do whether we're here or not. The "environment" in total will eventually be effectively recycled/repurposed/reused beyond what's imaginable to us. Talking about the "environment" like it's something that's possibly sustainable, manageable, or something we can have any long term effect on is a joke. Nature's got it in for all of us, actually, including itself. Everything's on its way out, one way or another, and there's not a thing that can be done about it. Nothing ever stays the same. Things will always become more disordered and chaotic. Entropy always increases, it's the law(of thermodynamics). So the entire Universe eventually goes to shit whether you like it or not. It's all just gonna end up in one big supermassive black hole in the end anyway.