The denial of climate change is truly embarassing, it is more indicative of a failure to think than a free-thinking mind. Science is not something that can be partially accepted, either you accept science or you don't, and the scientific community, almost to a person, has shown that climate change is taking place and is being accelerated by human action.
Moreover, climate change denial is largely a ruse purported by the far-right, because their rich backers want to evade picking up the bill for as long as possible. For example, you can read about the money behind Brexit and its links to climate change denial here:
The offices of 55 Tufton Street in Westminister are home to no fewer than eight right-of-centre organisations
I would love this thread to be closed, it serves no useful purpose and a tech site should not provide a platform for those who deny science. Alternatively, we can all start to use toothpaste instead of thermal paste, because, who needs science, right?
Whether knowingly or not, at this stage, questioning climate change is tantamount to acting as a shill for the far-right, and whilst some will continue to deny scientific evidence, it can only be hoped that others will begin to think about the motives of those in opposition to the vaste majority of the scientific community and their own role within the spread of such disinformation.