I think hybrid cars are the near future, and maybe the only realistic future.
Pure electric vehicles have super-expensive Li-ion batteries, while gas engines are made out of (relatively) cheap steel. Hybrids allow for a small Li-ion battery, while the combustion engine becomes grossly more power-efficient. Furthermore, hybrid cars don't need charge (Plug-in hybrids can benefit from a charge, but its not strictly necessary).
The Prius Prime, Honda Clarity, and GM Volt all are $30k USD, maybe a bit cheaper. They're a few grand more expensive than a typical ICE car, but they're not grossly more expensive. I can see myself buying them, unlike a Tesla M3 (which has poor quality issues despite costing so much), or a BMW i3 (small vehicle at high price)
The pro-green crowd has one more issue. The abnormally low prices on fuel is making "Green Energy" a less-and-less likely proposition. With fuel so cheap, why should we worry about saving fuel?
There are some very smart technologies out there that are cheap and effective. Pumped Hydro, Compressed-Air for utility-scale energy storage (to make Wind / Solar more usable). At the home-level, I'm not very bullish on expensive Li-Ion energy packs, but I like the idea of Redox Flow and...
whatever the heck this thing is. Basically, its a vat of water. Your air-conditioner runs when energy is cheap (ex: California has so much Solar Power that noon-energy is nearly free, or even negative-cost). When energy gets expensive (7pm California: the solar panels stop working, but the day is still hot. Everyone's AC is still running), you run a
fan, blowing the cold out of the vat of water into your house.
The Ice-Bear energy storage vat is just that, a pool of water and a fan hooked up to your AC unit. The simple invention can store more energy than Li-Ion batteries. With proper insulation, it is surprising how long ~400 Gallons of water (1.5 Cubic meters) at 40F (or ~5C) can cool a house.
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Unfortunately, this group went out of business earlier this year.
But inventions such as these are what we need most of all.
CHEAP energy storage, built out of simple materials (like water) instead of expensive, hard to source Cobalt / rare metals.