If you remember "magical" reduction of Intel prices when Zen came out, also coupled with sudden i3 with 4 full cores and i5 with 6, you might reconsider competition and magic statement.
Yes, that was thanks to AMD aggressive pricing. Intel would ask more otherwise. But going for more cores was planned for sure. They launched these CPUs way to quickly.
On the other hand, what's happening now - with more focus on HEDT as an alternative to top AM4 options - is forced by Intel's fab issues. They either can't make large, fast 10nm chips or they simply aren't interested in such a tiny and unimportant market. But the reason for both is the same: Intel's 10nm (just like TSMC's 7nm) is precious.
It's virtually impossible that GF/TSMC form higher prices, they are still competitors, . And there are Intel and Samsung (who briefly was no.1 chip producer)
Why is it impossible? There's a law of nature that forbids that?
They made a deal. Everything companies do has the single goal of earning more.
The sole reason to make such a deal is to compete less - be it on a market or in court. Deals aren't needed otherwise.
they have different roadmaps and customers
If they have different roadmaps (products?) and customers, they are not competitors.
I said earlier that they may divide the market - just like they divide the Ryzen SoC (GF makes IO die, TSMC makes Zen dies).
And I can't understand why you seemingly have a pick on me, I own PC (8088) since 1987, and this is just new account. Otherwise, I was here since forever, and there's no need to 'let me know what my place in the food-chain is' - perhaps you're not doing it, I came to that thought because 'do you even know GF...' - yes, and also why and what their quality was during AMD era - Athlon/Thunderbird/64-bit CPU, etc - whole era when AMD become Intels' peer and have been leader in some aspects - both at top-tier and lower performance/g on lower.
I don't understand this rant.
I don't pick on you. I hardly care whether you have a new account or not and even less if you've been here for a long time.
What I care about is that your comments don't make much sense or are obviously incorrect.
And you don't know how to use forums, because you don't quote - which makes the "I was here since forever" argument even less likely (but still insignificant).