looking nice jr! good to see you having a lot of fun with this one!
once you get shit nailed down in photoshop, you'll be like, hey like, this is a piece of cake, i can do w/e i want now... its an amazing feeling
some thoughts:
-try the threshold tool, might lead to some interesting results
-inverting always seems to have cool and interesting color effects...i would love to see what happens when this sig meets the photoshop color inverter
-try some gradient effects maybe? kind of like with the terminator one..
-play with blending options... they are always fun
-heres a big one: mess with the layer options (like screen, overlay, etc..) layering the layers with effects may lead to some very very interesting effects.
my opinions:
- like the face towards the edge.. not near the middle...
-blur looks weird.. especially the full one.. i would think having everything crispy (blending options may help here) might make him look more villanous and evil and dark
--try to get the eyes more force and power not by making them huge globes of light, but try to them crispy, and use things like to saturation and blending options to make them stand out..
--when you do add a slight blur to the eyes to make them emanate with power, try to make it unidirectional.. like the beams of light only go out one way(not like laser vision though, that's over doing it), rather than in all directions like a light bulb.. i think if you do a radial or motion blur instead of gaussian, it may help..
looking good though!!
btw for the one with the red blue eyes:
"hey look ma! i'm in 3d now!" lmao.