- anything with flat damage to Burst. This damage barely gets reduced from Crusher (only 18% total dmg, easily balanced out by the +18% crit)
- More greens. Act 1 is a gold mine for this build which is great of course because you have access to damage early
This ring is farmable just under Devil's Crossing for example
And Slithtongue (x2 if needed) carries you until the end game; being stronger than its Coven Refuge rare/revered rep counterpart. You find this in an Act 1 cave the one with Slith and a combat shrine in it. (Foggy Banks waypoint, go west)
- Venomlash... ridiculous conversion as you can probably see, and a perfect match for all the other skill bonuses too, because we use them as well.
- Geared skillset (+2 all skills enabled)
- Also pick up this medal augment, its remarkably strong, the OA shred is even unique to the build, as in, you won't waste it by having another same OA shred that overwrites it. It stacks for example with Veil of Shadow. The net result is a high DA, (very) high OA character with 30% melee dodge and decent HP with 25% lifesteal. Its hard to die, except from onehitters.
Last, this is probably the BIS relic... again, flat acid dmg.