Well, it appears if I use anything above stock clocks on Clearsky, my screen will go multi-colour and system locks up. Does this sound like a problem? I don't know what to do with this 500 dollar card, but it won't oc anymore. Think I'll just put my 9800gtx back in and sell this dam thing...... The vrms run so hot on this thing, and I can't source thermal pads up here to fix it. Frustrating. How was your day?
Edit: yes appears the heavy folding ect has damaged the card, I have to rma it, ug, oh well, it was a nice $500 card while it lasted! (why it got damaged, horrible thermal pad interface for the vrms, thank palit)
In fact, is Palit_Guy around here? I really am unhappy with this 280, first, regreasing it took it from folding at 81c to 71c, I had to rebuild the vrm pads from the leftover ram pad stuff.. but I ran it for a long time without touching it, if I had, it would have lasted longer. Now it just goes to full screen artifacting at anything above stock in games. Never did that before. Gotta luv these $500 cards.....