It seems like it might be cheaper all around if people joined in on a server. SL (SoftLayer) lets you rent a 16 Core for 232 a month. I'm sure the TOS says something about pegging the CPUs at 90+ though. I know Digital Ocean throttles users when they start reaching the upper limits.
edit: Since this is technically for scientific research, you could probably even get a discount on the servers.
Double edit. Had a power loss, will be down quite a few ppd today. :/
Triple edit, oh my lordy jebus: I am talking with SL now about a server, kinda just for fun but curious to find out what they could offer.
And edit number four:
First option, Single Processor Octo Core Xeon 2650 - 2.00GHz (Sandy Bridge) - 1 x 20MB cache , 8GB default RAM, 2x500GB SATA (Raid 1), 20TB default bandwidth - $450 USD
Second option we recommend is best for number crunching. That would be a GPU bare metal server --> Dual Processor Hex Core Xeon 2620 V2 - 2.10GHz (Ivy Bridge) - 2 x 15MB cache, 16GB default RAM, NVidia Tesla M2090 Graphic Card, 2x500GB SATA (Raid 1), 20TB default bandwidth - $830 USD
LOL Thanks SL.