A few days ago I was looking for a couple of nice
cardboard boxes to store my Slot 1 and Slot A motherboards.
I went to
a local PC shop and asked if they had some ATX motherboard boxes. To my surprise
I went home empty handed as the response was: we give the boxes to our customers for warranty reasons.
Well, I can't argue about this so no BOXES FOR ME!
In the end I used a Slot 1 box I had and a box from a Gaiwnard 9800GTX GPU from the times when the graphic cards really had quality cardboard boxes.
A few days later I went to my office where I also store my stuff and because I had a few free hours
I was still thinking about the Gigabyte GA-6BXC and the Asus K7M I put in their boxes. Also
the box with the Slot 1 and Slot A CPUs was so enticing that in the end I had to do something
I guess it is pretty obvious what came next
A quick and dirty testing session. YAY!!!
I took out the Enermax PSU, a HDD, some PC-133 SD-RAM, etc and
by magic a test bed took shape in front of me. Which I must say was also functional!
First on the test bed was the
ASUS K7M Slot A motherboard.
I took out the first Slot A CPU - the
500 MHz one, which was recognized as a
700 MHz on the previous PC CHIPS M800LMR 1.3A motherboard. To my surprise it booted also as a
700 MHz CPU. Please observe the small clearance I have until the beefy cooler will reach the ATX power connector on the motherboard. This ATX power connector placement was pretty common back in the day. NOT GOOD!
I took out the second Slot A CPU - the
550 MHz without a heatsink, which didnt booted on PC CHIPS M800LMR 1.3A motherboard. To my joy it booted fine and showed the desired frequency of
550 MHz.
I took out the third Slot A CPU - the
600 MHz with the dual fan heatsink. The system started but the fans spun at low speed and then shutted down and nothing happend. Black screen, no beeps, no noises, nothing. I checked the jumper settings and I manually set VID1, VID2 and VID3 with the correct default voltage and I bypassed the default setting detected by the motherboard.BEHOLD!!!! THE system BOOTS!!! Unfortunately the screen registered the CPU running only at
500 MHz no matter what I tried.
#%^@%#@^~*~*~*~~!!!! By this time the peculiar nature of the K7M reminded me of PC CHIPS M800LMR 1.3A. DAMN!
I took out the forth Slot A CPU - the
700 MHz one. It booted correctly and the
700 MHz was shown on the screen. I am really happy because this CPU didnt work on the
PC CHIPS M800LMR 1.3A motherboard. The fact that it is alive is nice.
I took out the fifth Slot A CPU - another
700 MHz core, which came with the
Asus K7M . This also worked as intended.
This is SUPER OK!!! FTW!!!
The sixth Slot A CPU - a
750 MHz one, is dead and I'm still pissed about this fact. It is down right
USELESS aka a corpse aka a shadow of its former self.
DAMN YOU VANDALS FOR DESTROYING MY CPU!!! (Story in the posts above)
I couldnt get into
WinXP with the HDD that it was installed on from another test and I wasnt going to install Win 98 as this needed more time than what I had available.
In depth testing will be carried at a later date.
The first contact with the Asus K7M wasnt how I hoped it would be. In
BIOS the only
OC setting available was for
FSB and nothing else. I tried to alter the default setting of 100 MHz by going up or down but on each boot the settings would always revert to the default 100 MHz.
I was expecting more OC settings in BIOS but this wasnt the case. I used
jumper settings only for Vcore but I didnt touch
the jumpers for FSB settings.
At least in BIOS there are some settings for RAM.....the PC CHIPS M800LMR 1.3A motherboard didnt have any of these.
With a slight sour taste in my mouth I came to the conclusion that I need a
GOLD FINGER DEVICE if by any means I want to do some overclocking. I could try OC without a GF device but I would have to intervene directly on the PCB of the CPU. This job would be time consuming and dangerous.
So GET A GF device or GO HOME!!! These are my 2 cents.
To add assault to injury, albeit, we arent really talking about assault or injury,
I had mixed feelings about the fact, that even if the Asus K7M is better than PC CHIPS M800LMR 1.3A,
some CPUs werent detected correctly. I might try a
BIOS update but at this point in time I see no reason for it.
The only OC I might able to accomplish would be by
FSB ~ 105-110 MHz but I dont want to try this for now.
I have the seed for something great but I still need a freaking GOD damn it GF device which is close to IMPOSSIBLE to find...
Next on the test bed was the
Gigabyte GA-6BXC Slot 1 motherboard.
After the test of the Asus K7M
my state of mind wasnt so great. Little did I know that
I wasnt out of the woods yet.............
I placed a
Pentium II 350 MHz CPU in the slot and I tried to start the system.
NOTHING HAPPENED!!! No noises, no beeps, absolutely n o t h i n g!!! sheeeshhhhh
I took out a
Pentium II 333 MHz and I tried again.
I checked again the Gigabyte GA-6BXC motherboard,
I checked the manual,
I checked the DIP switches
all was OK. I pressed the POWER button.NO BOOT!!! NO NOISE!!! NOTHING!!! just ear piercing SILENCE. (*$^!&^($!%&*^$!%^$!&^)~~!!!!!!
I changed the graphic card from the Palit GF3 Ti 200 to a ELSA Riva 128Zx. Still nothing!!!
This testing session it's starting to get on my nerves!
I checked again the 6BXC motherboard and this time I concentrated on the
area near the front panel connectors. I saw a jumper which was set only on one pin instead of two. I checked
the manual and I see:
J15 - System After Ac Back * Open - Soft Off / Short - Full On. I put it on the ON SETTINGS and the system BOOTS!!! Well I'll be......$^!$^!$&(^$&#(&^*!!!!!!!
The first
PII-350 MHz CPU worked as intended.
I tried again the
PII - 333MHz - 66 MHz bus SL2S5 which I dismantled a few post ago. I had high hopes for this little one
I knew that some 333-66 CPU's
had unlocked multipliers but after I tried some settings I found out
it wasn't the case with this one. I knew this so no biggie.
x5 multiplier will be FOREVER!!!
By this time I was starting to get a little angry so I told myself:
LET'S TRY 100MHz bus, as the CPU had new thermal paste, the CACHE CHIPS now made contact with the heatplate, the heatsink was BIG and I really needed something to change my mood.
100MHz! FTW!!!
The PII-333MHz SL2S5 booted and was stable at 500 MHz!!! what a glorious thing
In my book this is better than the OC of the Celeron A 300MHz to 450 MHz. Also the cooling fan is silent. The 6BXC is running smoothly and the ATX power connector is out of the way of the CPU heatsink. To think that I only bought this CPU for its heatsink and I was planning to use it on the dead Slot A 750 MHz CPU....if the 750 was alive this 333 was destinded to stay in a box and
I wouldnt've known its potential!
I also tried the HDD with the existing
WinXP installation but it didnt work as it was the case on the K7M.
Win98 in depth testing will have to wait.
The PII-500MHz never locked up the system and it ran for some time. I'm 90% sure it is stable. The heatsink wasnt very warm. Arctic MX-4 did its job
I will leave
the pleasure of testing this PII-500 MHz CPU at a later date.
Win98 will be glorious on this little one
I tried a
Gigabyte-GA-6R7-Rev -366 MHz Celeron A CPU, slotket but it didnt work. By now I had it with DIP switches, jumpers, etc....
and I called it a day.
The Slot 1 and Slot A systems deserve to sit in a proper case.
The 440BX is legendary and the Slot A is exotic. I wont run tests on these parts until I have suitable cases. I have Pionner slot loading ODDs, V2s, V3s, Ati MAXX, AWE64, Vortex MX300, wire management skills for something unique etc... ingredients for something really nice.
I end this post on a high note.For the time beeing I have no loose ends. What I own is functional or/and represents a known quantity without grey areas like "there be dragons" or end of the world after this point.
I STILL have something to do. When will these projets take shape?
I dont know for now. It's all in the STARS!!!
I'll have to choose/find two matching cases...I think I'll need two modern ones....
gallery: https://postimg.org/gallery/298beodj2/