Hey guys, hoping y'all can help me with my 6950. I've read through this thread, and the original post on TPU. First, some background card:
XFX HF-695X-ZNFC 1GB card (not sure on the revision, sadly, case is a bitch to get into)
MSI 890GXM-G65 (onboard video)
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
So my first complication is that I've got a 1GB card, and the second complication is that it's an XFX (which doesn't seem to be a highly regarded brand here, for a variety of reasons). However, I was able to successfully pull the BIOS from my card, save it, open it in RBE, unlock the shaders using the option on the Additional Features tab, flash the modified BIOS to my card, and reboot to freshly unlocked shaders. GPU-Z reported 1536 shaders, as hoped.
But I'm greedy, and I wanted the clock speeds to go with those shiny new shaders. There seem to be two settings which may or may not be required to access those clock speeds: the actual BIOS clock settings, and the Overdrive limits. Having read through the RBE documentation and tutorial, I get the impression that even if your BIOS clocks are set to a specific value, if that value is greater than the Overdrive limit, the clock speeds will be limited (or the card won't work, or you'll get wonky results and/or stability). Is this accurate?
I first tried setting the Overdrive limits in RBE using Method 2, shooting for the 6970 core/mem clocks that I wanted to run at (880/1375), without setting the BIOS clocks. This was pretty much wishful thinking on my part, and unsurprisingly when I rebooted after flashing, Windows 7 boot looped. Safe mode let me uninstall the 6950, and reboot into Normal mode, where I could reflash my card.
Long story short, I've tried a variety of possible combinations: changing the card ID, the clocks (including voltages), the overdrive limits via Method 1 using signatures from 6970 and 6950 (1GB and 2GB) cards, the whole shebang. If I run a modified version of the shipped ROM with just the shaders unlocked, everything is fine. I get a modest performance bump and the card is flawlessly stable.
But I really, really,
really want those increased clocks speeds.