TLDR - It didnt work for me.
So ill do my best to explain. So this morning i put the card and waterblock back on but not the backplate, just to do a quick test. Thats when i assumed it worked since the whine was pretty much gone. I wasnt planning on using this system today so i took it back apart and applied a little more to hopefully eliminate any and all whine this time. I gave it about 8 hours and noticed it was completely dry, so i put everything back together again, backplate included. The whine was back. WTF!?!? The same noise, same intensity, same pitch. I was confused as hell. The only thing different was no backplate. I removed the backplate and gave it a shot...no whine. My hypothesis - The backplate standoffs and thickness relieves a small amount of pressure from block to chips on the front side. Without it, im guessing theres ever so slightly a tighter fit and the chokes are now touching the plating on that block, thus removing some vibration. So i screwed in all but 3 screws to secure the pcb to the waterblock and then screwed in the backplate on top of those screws to provide a little extra cooling on back. As you can see below, the chokes that i suspected were the issue, are now pretty snug against the block. (actually you probably cant see from this blurry ass picture, my bad)
View attachment 286428
So i cant say for sure if this method would work for me. Maybe some more drying time might help but everything looked pretty dry this morning and it made no difference. Maybe this is a more severe case and no amount of glue would help it but please dont let this discourage anyone else from trying. Sorry for the false alarm everyone.