erocker: Might be of some interest, for the registry portion, to mention this section. I think it'd be best to enter it in safe mode AFTER the uninstalls and running of Driver Cleaner, since you'll probably need to restart anyways.
Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video (Picture 1)
Now this is the
fairly hard part, but I'll explain AND provide a picture (Picture 2)
(NOTE: Consider this ATi Only, as I don't have an nV card to check how similar it is). There will be a lot of subdirectories with basically gibberish for names, the gibberish has a name and it is code for something like Windows' name and location of a piece of hardware. Anywho you'll need to expand all of them, or at least until you find the only one that also has subdirs. I'd provide a pic of those expanded, but I'm on a laptop with Intel IGP, so it's pointless really
This is where ATi stores all it's wonderful graphics settings! Similarly it is where programs with ATT add/change settings. For example, if you click on the 0000 folder and change and entry that's name ends in "_NA" from 1 to 0, or 31 00 to 30 00, you are unlocking items in CCC
As NA means, Not Available (or Applicable, but the former is more accurate in this case). But that is not the point of the thread/post! The reason I mention all that is because I have manually done some edits, and after uninstalling with Catalyst Install Manager, then reinstalling drivers, the majority of my changes settings are still in place... >_> So it leaves me to believe that CIM doesn't remove that whole entry!
I will be applying this to the steps in the first post, and if they disappear I will EDIT stating it isn't necessary. But I figured just in case I A) Forget or B) Get sidetracked/my help is needed outside, I'd better post this anyhow
V Pic 1
V ----
V Pic 2