Hey guys, posted this elsewhere so i'm also trying in this thread...
Ok, finally bowing my head in temporary defeat and asking for help... I had everything running flawlessly until I decided to update my gfx card drivers as I picked up GTAV yesterday. I had DifferentSLI working great with 347.88 drivers.
I have 2 EVGA 6600TI. The cards are identical, everything matches.
My motherboard is the 890FXA-GD70. Crossfire board I know but Different SLI worked like a charm initially. So I uninstalled the Nvidia drivers via the control panel. Rebooted in safe mode and used Display Driver Uninstaller. (In safe mode.) I used Regedit to delete the relevant keys as mentioned in the related post on here. I used Ccleaners registry check to delete and fix any errors. Then I installed (clean install) both the 347.88 and the 350.12 drivers and did everything mentioned above between each install so zero left over files could have caused the install to fail.
In a nut shell, I've followed the readme, and any posts on here that pertain to my situation to a T and i'm having no success installing and activating SLI with Different SLI.
The DifferentSLI patcher crashes and says could not find patch #4, falling back to permutation #1,2,3,4 etc.
I have test mode On. At this point i'm literally repeating all the aforementioned steps in the hopes my futile attempts suddenly yeald success lol.
Thanks in advance guys.
Also just physically uninstalled and swapped cards in slots, swapped sli bridge to other tab. Fresh driver install 350.12, DifSLI 1.3, all fresh and clean, no residual files and the patcher still crashes and says cant find patch 4 blah blah blah. I don't get it.
Just found a dl link to DifSLI 1.1 and 1.2. Tried fresh installs with both of them, following the same uninstallation/cleaning methods as before and still no dice. I can't figure out what has changed in my system to cause DiffernetSLI to suddenly stop working besiders the installation of the new 350.12 drivers. Interestingly if I go back to the previous drivers 347.88 which had DifferentSLI running perfectly now won't work either. 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 all crash during the patch process. The install.cmd still completes sucessfully with all 3 versions but on reboot with everything set appropriately SLI is still not an option in the Nvidia control panel. I don't know if i'm missing something really simple but at this point i'm stumped. I'm 99.999% sure i've done everything right (basically did everything as I did originally when I got it to work). I'm on the verge of trying to return both 660s and swap for a single card. I love SLI, I've had 6800gtx sli, 8800gtx sli and GTX295 and never had any issues. This is the first time. I know It's not an SLI MB but for 5 days I was playing with it enabled and it worked like a charm. Saw significant frame rate increases and things ran very smoothly for 5/6 days until I upgraded to the new drivers so I know it has the potential to be awesome...