Part of why I came to TPU was because of W1zzard's reviews. Some people may find that hard to believe, idiots, but he does a seriously thorough job. With as much whining as I saw and personal attacks it seems like there's a bunch of trolls who are hell-bent on being right no matter what the cost. So a special thanks to you sacks! Your efforts weren't for naught! (you know who you are)
I for one don't like his reviews. I think they've become over abundant of the same regurgitated material, and very lacking at being in depth per-product that he's analyzing.
Having said that, it doesn't make me stop viewing and studying them, nor does it make me want to disown Tech Power Up.
But more importantly, people should be able to voice a respectable opinion on the matter without fear of uncessary repercussions. Now you might say 'Sure, but we're talking about the a-holes who just want to pick a fight.' Unfortunately there's probably a good amount of people in here, who don't think that. In fact they don't think at all. They see anything NON positive about TPU or Wizzard, and immediately fly off the handle, retaliating pretty much in the same manner and with the same vehemency as the 'troll's who may actually be doing real damage.
All in all, TPU has turned too personal over the years, eroding it's fundamentals and testing the limits of it's sanity. But that's how anything popular goes, trying to pin-point some scenario or moment when it happens is pretty impossible and mostly futile.
I've for a while now thought Wizzard should step down, and use his skills elsewhere - preferably somewhere where it will be more lucrative, if not at least satisfying.
I feel the exact same way about Kursah and TweakGuides. I fully understand why he did what he did, and he's moved onto better things.
But this attitude of Wizzard does it for free, noone is force to read his reviews is very shallow and short-sighted. Equally, Wizzard doesn't have to do it, noone is forcing him too.
If you enjoy it, good. But you're no more relevant to the matter, or more privileged than those who don't enjoy some aspects of it. It has to be a two way street, that's just life.
Looking back at the evolution of TPU, I get a weird parallel deja-vu with Tweak Guides. There was a time when the general fundamentals were accepted by nearly all that visited. And then over time that was worn down and we've wound up here.
We've put too much stock in one man, leaning heavily on him, applying unncessary pressure. That's what happens when things get personal. If Wizzard moves on, hopefully that won't transfer to the other staff, or else we'll just spiral downwards even more.
And here's some of examples of the lunacy:
-The site will suddenly shutdown, implode or at the very least, fall to complete pieces.
-People will have no 'good' reason to visit TPU.
-There's a petition in place. Funny life if there's a problem, just sue. On the internet, just make a petition!
The list could go on, but it's like everyone has lost perspective. And what do these attitudes do for the rest of the staff? You put one person on such a pedestal, how can they begin to try and fill the shoes? Where's the support for the rest of TPU? What are you saying about their ability to keep TPU an enjoyable place?
From the way I see it, not a lot of anything positive.
If Wizzard feels he should go, then respect his decision(s), and let him move on with your support, instead of dragging him back down.