Good thing people don't come to this forum to educate themselves. They'd buy a 13900k for gaming when the 7700X is all they need. They'd think Intel is just as cheap as AMD even though it is not, and they'd think the AM5 B650 and Intel B660 are equivalent. LMAO. Keep on going. And yeah, they'd pay a lot of money for high frequency DDR5 despite timings being the only thing that matters. Despite Techpowerup doing the best review of ram timings and proving otherwise. Why come here if you don't read their articles? You can adjust the clock speed after you buy it anyways without any difficulty, unlike timings. I bought 5600 DDR5 and just set it to 6200 and voila, saved a ton of money. Keep on going

We're done.
We were talking about B650 versus B660 chipsets, and you wrote a long meaningless rant about E cores in response. Huh.
Important to find people that actually know something about computers.