The quote below prodded me back into considering the always uncertain decision to await the next great thing.
This is a never-ending story. There will ALWAYS be "a" next great thing just around the corner. If every technology in computers today was on the exact same "next great thing" track, this would be easy to sort out. But it does not work that way. Especially when there are competing technologies too.
GPUs, CPUs, RAM, USB, HDMI, DP, PCIe, BT, wifi, storage, Ethernet, [
fill in the blank] are all hardware (and protocol) technologies that are advancing at their own pace on their own tracks. Yeah, they might be tracks running in parallel, but separate tracks just the same.
For this reason, I say if you "need" a new computer today, and have the resources, buy today. If you can wait, then wait and in the meantime, define your needs, build up your budget, do your homework, then pull the trigger when ready. But stop waiting for what's just around the corner because the day after you pull that trigger, something new and improved
will pop up just around the corner again.
BTW, the same is true for audio reproduction technologies and the latest and greatest in TV technologies too.