I'm using a g903 and soon to buy a mk730 kb (using deathstalker now).
Do you still use an analog controller for any games ? does it perform better for any specific type ?
Mostly up to a difficulty aspect, that.
Many console ports are difficulty based on analog sticks wrt responsiveness, and even how the camera responds to certain things, the timing of events, etc. Add mouse/kb, which can be instant in any place on the screen... and the difficulty drops to almost zero sometimes. So I would say those are the game where you'd want an analog controller. I still use my DS3s from time to time. I did actually use it again with Sekiro, because you can just feel everything is tweaked to a controller there. Turning on your heels for example is a big thing in this type of game and just mouselook isn't going to provide the same sort of immersion or flow. And flow is important. You played RUINER. That's another one I believe very much fit for controller.
That is also why beat em ups prefer controllers, the combat flow and muscle memory are just different.
Racers... or any driving really is often better done with analog sticks. And even IF it works half decent with KB, it will still work better with sticks. Far Cry... good example. GTA V... another. With GTA V I had mouse/kb for anything on foot and switched to pad once I stole a car
EDIT: saw your thread revival message just now... I had a smooth time with a much older Ace Combat on PS2 and would definitely recommend PS3/PS4 dualshock for it. It'll work. I'd not go on the specific game but on the size of your hands. If you have typical Euro shovel hands, dualshock may be on the small side and Xbox controller will suit you better. I just got used to dualshock but in reality its really a tad too small for me. Not the most pleasant experience, can't use it too long these days.
But if you are going big on flight sims... how about a HOTAS? Gets you up into the right vibe for Star Citizen right in one go... because I do kinda know you will jump into that at some point. I know I will... I don't know how the support is for AC7.
Also another big one I think is going to be MS' new Flight Simulator. Jaw dropping, gateway drug into simulators really. OMG