Whole 43MHz difference on average! Man, now you really got me! On 2 generations older CPU made on twice as large fab node. Boy oh boy, call the fanboy police, stat... Yeah, one would expect better from so much newer and better everything. Not to mention 5820K was bottom of the barrel CPU from the X99 platform...
The point was there is little difference in overclocking between them...you seemed to allude the 5820K overclocks farther, when in reality it is about the same, as you now point out above, and what I pointed out earlier. I'm trying to shed some if you believe the 7820X clocks poorly, then so does the 5820K as they clock about the same with the 7820X having a slight lead. Did I misunderstand what you meant to say originally?
Nobody is talking fanboy/drama anything here Rejz, save your vitriol for where its needed.
Not to mention 5820K was bottom of the barrel CPU from the X99 platform...
You mentioned specifically the same # of cores earlier...now its where the CPU is in the product stack?
But if you want to go down a different road...we can compare the 7640K/7740K and how they overclock since its the bottom of the barrel X299... the only subs I see are 5 Ghz on 7640K and 4.7Ghz+ on 7740K... no a lot of data to really get an idea.
Does your board not allow you to tweak the turbo settings? I am at 4.5 1 core /4.4 2 core /4.2 3 core /4.2 4 core for turbo on my 6700k with a hard to limit set for 65w. According to thr killawatt power consumption is the same and it is rare that more than one core drops below 4.2/4.1 in just about anything.
Sure they do.. just saying many boards, optimized defaults just set max turbo for all cores by default.