First update in ages! Hold your breath..... lol
I bought this little flex-ATX PSU for the grand sum of $1. And it it in mint condition, looks unused, no dust at all. Hope it works! Only 150W, but with a low-power APU and only a couple of drives, I should be fine.
The PSU pictured above arrived last night and is now sitting in the mac case. I am a bit gutted however. It appears that my estimates of the space inside the case were a bit out. I estimated 41mm of height in there. The PSU is 40mm. It appears to be 1mm too tall. So only 2mm out, but enough to screw me around. But don't worry; I'll make it work.
Anyway, I got cutting with knives and saws and pliers today and made a new opening in the rear of the case for the PSU power plug and ventilation. Check the pics.
Making a mess!
Here is the hole:
And here with the PSU in place:
Now, two weeks later, I bought myself a birthday present:
Time to Dremel.
So you may recall that the PSU was 1mm too tall. So I have spent about 2 hours cutting and grinding and sanding at the raised edges in one corner of the mac case. Just had to take them down a little bit, still a serious job.
Here's the result. Compare right of pic, that's what it used to all look like:
I also extended the slot I cut in the rear of the case for the power connector and tidied up around the edges.
Here's how it looks now with the PSU in place:
So that's all for now. I have a slot-load BD drive on its way and mounting that baby is going to be tricky. Motherboard is still over the horizon.