@echo off
>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"
if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (
(echo.Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^)&echo.UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1)>"%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
exit /B
) else ( >nul 2>&1 del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" )
title "Finalizer for Creative Sound Enhancers"
color 0B
echo Type in the number (1~10) for the product that
echo you'd like to activate from the list below:
echo 01. Creative Sound Blaster Cinema
echo 02. Creative Sound Blaster Cinema 2
echo 03. Creative Sound Blaster Cinema 3
echo 04. Creative Sound Blaster Cinema 5 (UWP App)
echo 05. Creative Sound Blaster X360 (Desktop and UWP App)
echo 06. Creative Sound Blaster X720 (Desktop and UWP App)
echo 07. Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi MB2
echo 08. Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi MB3
echo 09. Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi MB5
echo 10. Creative THX TruStudio Pro
echo Simply close this window to exit.
set dest=%programdata%\Creative\Softwarelock
set filepath=%~dp0
set choice=
set /p choice= Type in your choice and press Enter:
if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1%
if '%choice%'=='1' goto cinema1
if '%choice%'=='2' goto cinema2
if '%choice%'=='3' goto cinema3
if '%choice%'=='4' goto cinema5
if '%choice%'=='5' goto sbc360
if '%choice%'=='6' goto sbc720
if '%choice%'=='7' goto mb2
if '%choice%'=='8' goto mb3
if '%choice%'=='9' goto mb5
if '%choice%'=='10' goto thx
echo %choice% Invalid selection, please try again.
goto start
if not exist "%dest%" mkdir "%dest%" >nul
cd "%dest%"
if exist "%dest%\*.KGA" del /f "%dest%\*.KGA" >nul
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
"%filepath%\GenKGA.exe" >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. Most likely GenKGA.exe is missing, & echo make sure it exists in the same folder to complete the process. & echo This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren *.kga *.lga >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. The operation was partially complete, & echo and your product may or may not work as intended. Most likely this program was denied administrator privileges. & echo Try running this program again with administrator privileges. This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren CTLT47H9X2.lga CTLT47H9X2.kga >nul
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
echo Done! Enjoy Creative Sound Blaster Cinema!!
pause & exit
if not exist "%dest%" mkdir "%dest%" >nul
cd "%dest%"
if exist "%dest%\*.KGA" del /f "%dest%\*.KGA" >nul
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
"%filepath%\GenKGA.exe" >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. Most likely GenKGA.exe is missing, & echo make sure it exists in the same folder to complete the process. & echo This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren *.kga *.lga >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. The operation was partially complete, & echo and your product may or may not work as intended. Most likely this program was denied administrator privileges. & echo Try running this program again with administrator privileges for the process to complete. This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren CTLT9SJDX2.lga CTLT9SJDX2.kga
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
echo Done! Enjoy Creative Sound Blaster Cinema 2!!
pause & exit
if not exist "%dest%" mkdir "%dest%" >nul
cd "%dest%"
if exist "%dest%\*.KGA" del /f "%dest%\*.KGA" >nul
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
"%filepath%\GenKGA.exe" >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. Most likely GenKGA.exe is missing, & echo make sure it exists in the same folder to complete the process. & echo This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren *.kga *.lga >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. The operation was partially complete, & echo and your product may or may not work as intended. Most likely this program was denied administrator privileges. & echo Try running this program again with administrator privileges for the process to complete. This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren CTLMN34SX2.lga CTLMN34SX2.kga
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
echo Done! Enjoy Creative Sound Blaster Cinema 3!!
pause & exit
if not exist "%dest%" mkdir "%dest%" >nul
cd "%dest%"
if exist "%dest%\*.KGA" del /f "%dest%\*.KGA" >nul
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
"%filepath%\GenKGA.exe" >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. Most likely GenKGA.exe is missing, & echo make sure it exists in the same folder to complete the process. & echo This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren *.kga *.lga >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. The operation was partially complete, & echo and your product may or may not work as intended. Most likely this program was denied administrator privileges. & echo Try running this program again with administrator privileges for the process to complete. This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren CTLPS4HTX2.lga CTLPS4HTX2.kga
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
echo Done! Enjoy Creative Sound Blaster Cinema 5!!
pause & exit
if not exist "%dest%" mkdir "%dest%" >nul
cd "%dest%"
if exist "%dest%\*.KGA" del /f "%dest%\*.KGA" >nul
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
"%filepath%\GenKGA.exe" >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. Most likely GenKGA.exe is missing, & echo make sure it exists in the same folder to complete the process. & echo This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren *.kga *.lga >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. The operation was partially complete, & echo and your product may or may not work as intended. Most likely this program was denied administrator privileges. & echo Try running this program again with administrator privileges for the process to complete. This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren CTLLAS4HX2.lga CTLLAS4HX2.kga
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
echo Done! Enjoy Creative Sound Blaster X360!!
pause & exit
if not exist "%dest%" mkdir "%dest%" >nul
cd "%dest%"
if exist "%dest%\*.KGA" del /f "%dest%\*.KGA" >nul
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
"%filepath%\GenKGA.exe" >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. Most likely GenKGA.exe is missing, & echo make sure it exists in the same folder to complete the process. & echo This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren *.kga *.lga >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. The operation was partially complete, & echo and your product may or may not work as intended. Most likely this program was denied administrator privileges. & echo Try running this program again with administrator privileges for the process to complete. This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren CTLNBK2HX2.lga CTLNBK2HX2.kga
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
echo Done! Enjoy Creative Sound Blaster X720!!
pause & exit
if not exist "%dest%" mkdir "%dest%" >nul
cd "%dest%"
if exist "%dest%\*.KGA" del /f "%dest%\*.KGA" >nul
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
"%filepath%\GenKGA.exe" >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. Most likely GenKGA.exe is missing, & echo make sure it exists in the same folder to complete the process. & echo This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren *.kga *.lga >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. The operation was partially complete, & echo and your product may or may not work as intended. Most likely this program was denied administrator privileges. & echo Try running this program again with administrator privileges for the process to complete. This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren CTLT99HB0X.lga CTLT99HB0X.kga
ren CTD1JXF23A.lga CTD1JXF23A.kga
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
echo Done! Enjoy Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi MB2!!
pause & exit
if not exist "%dest%" mkdir "%dest%" >nul
cd "%dest%"
if exist "%dest%\*.KGA" del /f "%dest%\*.KGA" >nul
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
"%filepath%\GenKGA.exe" >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. Most likely GenKGA.exe is missing, & echo make sure it exists in the same folder to complete the process. & echo This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren *.kga *.lga >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. The operation was partially complete, & echo and your product may or may not work as intended. Most likely this program was denied administrator privileges. & echo Try running this program again with administrator privileges for the process to complete. This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren CTLO3H65X2.lga CTLO3H65X2.kga
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
echo Done! Enjoy Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi MB3!!
pause & exit
if not exist "%dest%" mkdir "%dest%" >nul
cd "%dest%"
if exist "%dest%\*.KGA" del /f "%dest%\*.KGA" >nul
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
"%filepath%\GenKGA.exe" >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. Most likely GenKGA.exe is missing, & echo make sure it exists in the same folder to complete the process. & echo This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren *.kga *.lga >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. The operation was partially complete, & echo and your product may or may not work as intended. Most likely this program was denied administrator privileges. & echo Try running this program again with administrator privileges for the process to complete. This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren CTLXS2Q3X2.lga CTLXS2Q3X2.kga
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
echo Done! Enjoy Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi MB5!!
pause & exit
if not exist "%dest%" mkdir "%dest%" >nul
cd "%dest%"
if exist "%dest%\*.KGA" del /f "%dest%\*.KGA" >nul
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
"%filepath%\GenKGA.exe" >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. Most likely GenKGA.exe is missing, & echo make sure it exists in the same folder to complete the process. & echo This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren *.kga *.lga >nul
if errorlevel 1 echo Something went wrong with activating the product of your choosing. The operation was partially complete, & echo and your product may or may not work as intended. Most likely this program was denied administrator privileges. & echo Try running this program again with administrator privileges for the process to complete. This program will now exit. & pause & exit
ren CTLT99HB0X.lga CTLT99HB0X.kga
if exist "%dest%\*.LGA" del /f "%dest%\*.LGA" >nul
echo Done! Enjoy Creative THX TruStudio Pro!!
pause & exit