And Pale Moon (my default) is a forked Firefox. Just because a browser has roots in another, that does not mean they are essentially the same. The fact is, in most cases, it is taking something good and making it better. That is what MS is doing with Edge.
Claiming you won't even try it is letting your prejudices and biases cloud your judgement, and rule your life. Sorry, but it is like a kid refusing to even try "
toads in a hole" because it "sounds" yucky. Oh well, more for me!
Chromium is an open-source browser project. It is not Chrome in a similar way Pale Moon is not Firefox, and how LibreOffice is not OpenOffice.
It should also be noted that many Microsoft products were originally conceived and developed by another company first and then Microsoft scarfed them up and developed it into what it eventually became - and not to stifle competition, but because they recognized the potential of the product. I see nothing wrong with that.
Surely, the MS execs blew it - again
- by pushing out what clearly was a half-baked, unfinished, not-ready-for-prime-time Edge with W10. That was not the choice of the developers! But the execs wanted something to replace IE. IMO, they should have left out Edge until it was ready. But I don't run Microsoft.
IE was actually my preferred browser but it seems clear to me Microsoft scaled back maintenance as it became less and less stable and reliable after W10/Edge came out - I assume in MS's misguided attempt to push users towards Edge. But since Edge clearly was not ready, I switched to Pale Moon as my primary and, IMO, it is the best browser out there - but it too is not perfect. I have tried them all and have yet to find the perfect browser.
I am NOT saying Edge will become my default browser. But I sure will give it an
unbiased try.