Even if the plans don't turn out well, there's usually a plan...Because they can make any changes they want, ram them down your throat, and tell you that you wanted them, with 0 recourse. And given themajority of corporate leaders are dickbags, why WOULDNT they do that?
The last decade has proven that most corporations HATE their consumers and see them as no more then walking wallets.
I could be wrong but I always thought that the Windows 11 Start Menu was meant to match a SMARTPHONE because that's what a lot of people are now used to.
The Windows 10 Start Menu was also meant to match a Smartphone, just the Windows phone. And Windows 8... well, that was their attempt at merging MOBILE and DESKTOP. Poorly done, but my point is we can see a trend.
RECALL is also interesting from a TECHNICAL viewpoint. I won't turn it on. Ugh. Reminds me of when the XBox One S came out and Microsoft was like "hey, you really want a CAMERA staring at you and listening to what you're doing. Right?"
Windows 11 works well enough for me. But to me, the main reason for an OS is to simply launch PROGRAMS that I install, including games. Once it's working, I really don't want to mess with things.
And I SEARCH for stuff with the "Everything" program from VoidTools. So even the things I'd LIKE Microsoft to be doing, like basic SEARCH, they fail at. So I've got zero confidence they can move on to "AI" like Recall.
Bit of a ramble. Basically what I'm saying is that Windows 11 right now is the "Highlander" movie. I don't need to watch Highlander 2.