I find it amusing that people can get so passionately inflamed over a web browser.
I use IE7 exclusively. No problems at all.
I tried FF but didn't really find it any more useful than IE (which I was used to).
Just from my own personal experience - I've never run into any security problems with IE7, and very few when I was still on IE6. I only use one anti-malware/firewall program, and it never has to throw a "HALT!!" window at me. Once a week, I run 3 seperate scanners and they never return anything.
The only "issue" I have with IE is having to clean out the temp internet files folder every now and then, songs and vids that have been loaded up take a ton of space.
I tried FF, and honestly didn't like the way it displayed webpages, sometimes paragraphs were overlapped, pictures weren't aligned properly; and don't get me started on how it displays tables . . . but, I've known some people who've had just as many problems with FF as others claim to have with IE.
On a side note: personally, IMO, I truly believe the vast number of people who aren't too keen on tech issues lend a lot of problems to IE7's reputability. There are a lot of people that either completely forget that software needs to be updated occasionally, or they just blatantly ignore it (I've met some people who completely disable Windows/Microsoft Update because they think it means MS can steal personal information off your computer; or are afraid that hackers will break into their PC and steal all their cooking recipes and pr0n0) - whereas a good majority of people running FF have at least a lot better idea of how to keep their rigs running in perfect shape.
It's like the amount of people that complain about their cars being worthless POSes, but never read the owner's manual or never ask someone how to properly maintain it or they think it'll never break down . . . then you've got all the people that either work on cars for a living or a hobby, or make an effort to maintain it because they know better, or do the research themself because they don't want to throw $x down the drain. Whose vehicles do you think end up in the shop more, and it has nothing really to do with vehicle brand?