Blizzard are dead, just like King is - since being ruined by Activision.
Also, have a look at this:
Overwatch is the only thing on that list that is new from this triple-company merged corp.
The last Diablo game killed the franchise, almost abruptly with Activision's shoehorning a RMAH in there.
COD is stale - there's been nothing new or innovative in them for decades and their biggest successes are in ripping off other games now.
WOW - enough said. All of the positive aspects of WOW were pre-Activision and that team doesn't exist any more.
Candy Crush - Massively popular pre-Activision and now just a meme that gets dumped on everything like unwanted McAfee Antivirus trials.
Starcraft II was ruined by Activision. Wings of Libery was amazing and mostly completed before the merger, then the following two expansions under Activision were a write off. We don't talk about that any more.
Microsoft, the soulless megacorp have just acquired the studios that were already acquired by another soulless megacorp. Each acquisition removes any spark of talent or original game design that little bit more.