Well I have a Polk and BIC sub, with my BIC sub being 5 years older then my Polk, and I have already had to replace the sub speaker in my Polk once already for it blew, and its not pushed no where near as much as my BIC is and still is, so Im not a big fan in regards to that brand. The rest of my home theater system consists of a Onkyo TX-RZ810 I got from Onkyo when my TX-NR809 units DTS chip broke and they did a recall on that unit because of that, and did the trade in and got that unit for $250 through them. The rest of my speakers are BIC, I like BIC and their 7 year warranty they have, and I beat the living piss out of them with the 2 subs I have, as I wait for my Polk to kill another speaker, and will continue to buy BIC for my Home Theater set up. My PC speaker set up is a hodge Podge mix of cheap, or cheaply bought stuff. But me to you, I would look into bic IMHO, for they have the best warranty out there for speakers, aside of DCM and MTX's 10 year warranty, and not get something basied on name itself, fo ryou really are buying the name with cheap parts thrown in at most times. Look on Amazon at the BIC line, or even Dayton, and see that they are praised up and down for quality and sound, and I only bought the Polk for my system because its jsut doing the 120HZ or above, where my BIC Acoustech PL 200 does the really deep low stuff,
https://www.amazon.com/Bic-Acoustec...81239&sprefix=BIC+Ac,instant-video,165&sr=8-4, that can be had now for the same price as a Polk 12" entry sub that I have blown up already once.
Again in my honest opinion, I wouldnt look into something because of the name, but because I am disabled and have a ton of time to my name, I been lucky enough to do research on forums after forums, and youtube after youtube, and ready reviews with afine toothed comb weeding out paid for reviews, and then because my purchases need to be a one time only, and mainly at tax time when I have money for being on SSI you dont have jack shit to your name the rest of the year to do anything with, I have really found that BIC and Dayton and some bad ass sleeper sets you can buy, again IMO. If you have money for Klipsch, though Ive owned many a sets of them back in the day, with my last bad taste in my mouth every owning them ever again, was their 2.1 and 5.1 systems back in the early 2000's when their subs just go poof, and then buying the Logitech Z5500 set to replace them and saw really how crappy they really were also in the sound department against a computer parts manufacture, vs a legit speaker manufacture, and they kicked all forms of ass beating them up daily with no distortion what so ever, with everything set to max, bass and all, and they just took it all and sounded like a mofo, when my Klipsch set up I had to turn the bass down when I wanted to jam because the sub would fart, then my 2.1 sub died, and since I had money at the time, decided I loooooove Klipsch and bought into the hype, and bought the 5.1 even though there was reviews after reviews of people like me saying the subs were blowing up, but f that, this is Klipsh, they wont let me down, they are stupid, and less then a year later my 5.1 sub blew up. So when someone mentions Klipsch, I really go, no, nope, no way for me. And even to this day they are still having problems with their subs blowing up, just google klipsch Sub Blown, and see all the goodness that comes up :O
So for me Ive owned Polk, blew a speaker, Ive own Klipsch and blew subs, Ive owned BIC, havent blown anything and my speakers are over 10 years old now and still going strong. Ive owned Pioneer, and JVC, and Onkyo, and Ive only had one bad thing go with my Onkyo and that was the DTS chip which they stood up and took it like a man and sold me a $800+ Receiver for $250 because of it. Im a fan of Denon BUT ONLY, ONLY, the older stuff made in Japan. Their newer line stuff is made in China, for I got one for $80 at bargin hunt, and when I got it home was like, WTF, its no longer made in Japan, but china, noooooooooo, say it isnt soo Denon, say it isnt soooooooooo!
This video is why I LOVE me some Onkyo, and I did love older Japan made Denon, but will stick with Onkyo stuff if I can afford it because it is the best bang for buck money if your looking for great quality and sound with a company that does have your back if the need arises.
well over stated power out this bad boy I got, and for the last 2 years it get used daily for over 12 hours a day between me, my son and daughter using it
Sorry for the long story, but had to give my opion, and why I really dont see me ever buying another Klipsh, polk, or Denon units anymore, any time soon, unless they are given to me, or was at a extremely heavily discounted price, for I dont normally buy into brand names unless they are proven not to have a name, but the guys, or parts used are well below sub par, making fools who hear the name go, oh it cost over $12000, and its name is XXXX, I got to have it without looking them up to see whats the what on them. Some Onkyo speakers are just that as well. They say onkyo, but have the cheapest drivers in them, especially the stuff in a box crap. The head units are so so, but the speakers, though tuned for that system, and sound good for what they are, are no good for any other application, IMO. Im looking forward to getting my cheap pc system, just so I can have matching sets. Yeah, cheap DCM stuff backed by a 10 year warranty, and Im not expecting much, but I really need matching speakers all the way around me to enjoy my sound more then having a car in front of me with my JVC's with 12's in them roar and growl, and then when I pass the car, the tone of the growl changes due to drivers being different in the rears, though Im getting the low growl from my sub still with the crossover from them going to my sub to make up that lacking, its just the tone man, the tone, sound like in front, and sounds like in back, really taking away the sound stage in games and movies for me. Its ok when I play music, for all the different tones, make up for one hell of a great sounding music as it hits almost every frequency because they are all different drivers (front, rears, center), just anything else, and all them different drivers, kill the sound stage

And I just cannot stress this enough, for Im not claiming Im a audiophile by any means, just a guy that likes good sound for his buck, but if you want the best sound and longevity out of your system, it is a must that if it is a home theater that you use the same makers of speakers with the same exact drivers in size and tweeters if you are after that perfect home theater, no 8" up front and 6" in the rears for it will for sure throw the sound off especially when watching movies or games if your after that immersion with sound and video to come together. ALSO, so you dont kill your amp make sure to use the same rated cables all around, and not easy to do but the same length to all of them as well so as not to stress out the amp, for it will have the same equal resistance going to all of them, for power likes to mostly go to the path with the least resistance, and amps dont care for stress that much
But op, if you like Klipsch, thats your bag, but if you get an itch, and since they are not "too" expensive I highly recommend you trying out the BIC like, or Dayton line, BIC over Dayton IMO, but Dayton is very close, only falling behind because of lesser warranty. But Bic IMO will not let you down and can save a TON of money and not lose that sound ur after in the process.
If you have $1300 shipped in your pocket at some time, and want the "ultimate" sound sound package with all matching all around you for that sound and feel, then this is what I suggest, again as always IMO,
I had the PL69 set up with the 6 1/2" speakers, and still have my rear set up, had to sell off all the rest as time went on due to needing money at some points to make ends meet, but still have my rears, and at some tax time will upgrade my home theater to the 8" versions like I listed, but so that they are all matching, and best bang for the buck with pitch perfect bass, and tones all around you, I recommend that set up to everyone if they have the means. If not, go cheaper with their standard bic line, and match all the speakers for the most part all they sell have the same drivers pretty much in them all, just different cases and towers, and do a match that way on the cheap, but their Acoustech is their top of the line they make, and sound freaking amazing, again, IMO, but for what you paid for just your two front towers pretty much, could of got all of these and a brand new Marantz amp to go along with it

and still be one hell of a happy man because you got kick ass tunes, on the cheap without buying into the brand name game, saved a ton, looks fantastic, and a new amp also to boot