just the Prt Scr button on your keyboard it should be right next to the F12 key
That does not work somehow. Think there has microsoft on Windows once again shot something. I have now made a picture by mobile phone at 2560x1440p. I post it later, if i'm at home
somehow i have the worst case scenario with my Windows. It does not save the screeshot, but i can copy to paint via Ctr + V, and then the screenshot will appear

i7 5960x @ 4.5Ghz + Asus Poseidon Gtx 1080ti 2075/1552 = 4387
i7 5960x @4.5Ghz + Asus Poseidon Gtx 1080ti 2075/1550 = 6447
or better
i7 5960x @ 4,5 Ghz + Asus Poseidon Gtx 1080ti 2100/1575 = 4456
i7 5960x @ 4,5 Ghz + Asus Poseidon Gtx 1080ti 2100/1575 = 6502